Dial-In Your Morning Routine

Improving your lifestyle starts with a really solid morning routine. Today we will discuss ways you can improve your morning routine so that you are ready to attack the day. No more feeling groggy or tired - you deserve better than that! Elevate your energy, feel amazing and dominate the day. Below I will outline a number of habits you can create to set yourself up for a successful day, every day!  

Prepare the Night Before

Before you start your bedtime routine, start thinking about the next day. What will you wear? Put it out. What does your schedule look like? Map it out. Get in the right mindset and be prepared before you turn off the lights.


You sleep for 7-8 hours and you’ll wake up dehydrated. First thing you should do is hydrate! An easy go-to in our house is a homemade electrolyte drink. Take 16-24oz of room temp water and add 1/2 freshly squeezed lemon with 1/4 tsp Himalayan salt. Mix it up and drink it down. Great for hydration and gut health. Do this before eating or drinking anything else.


Ditch the sunglasses and get outside as close to sunrise as possible. Look towards the horizon of the rising sun (but not directly at it). This sets your internal clock for the day. Circadian rhythm plays a massive role in our overall health. Every living species on this earth follows the rhythm of the sunrise and sunset. Be in-tune with it and your biological self will thank you.

Get Charged

“Grounding” or “earthing” is a great way to charge your battery. Earths surface is a magnetic field - use it! Place your bare-feet on the surface and get charged! Not sold on this concept? Watch the documentary: “The Earthing Movie”.

Enhance your charge with a cold rinse! If you shower in the morning (and/or at night), finish with a cold rinse. Turn the dial ALL THE WAY to the coldest setting and rinse your entire body, face and hair. Start with 30 seconds and slowly increase the duration over time until you can handle 3-5 minutes regularly. TONS of benefits here, but what I like the most is how incredible I feel afterwards. 


Wake up the system! If you go from sleeping all night to directly sitting in front of a computer/ipad/phone, your body will still be asleep. To have vitality, vigor and enthusiasm, you must move! Blood-flow from walking, running, hiking, biking, swimming, stretching, lifting, etc… will prime the system for the day ahead. This does not have to be your intense workout for the day, but move in some capacity for 10-15 minutes and you’ll feel awake and ready for the day.

Tip: go for a 10 minute walk at sunrise and kill two birds with one stone.


Habits are created when done routinely. Your daily rhythm is important, so support that with consistency in everything you do. Wake up at the same time every morning and go through your morning rituals. Ex: Get dressed, drink you lemon/salt water, go for a walk at sunrise, kick your shoes and socks off and stand in your back yard for 10 minutes, then finish it off with a cold rinse. Boom - Have yourself a day!!

The ultimate goal is to set your future self up for success. Creating habits takes time! But, don’t get overwhelmed. Start with one, then move to the next until eventually you have mastered it. Consistency and sustainability are the two keys to creating habits that last. Otherwise, it’s just a waste of time. If you need help getting started, click the button below and we’ll be in touch.