Programs + Pricing

The Value

My mindset has always been to never showcase the price of our training plans to any potential clients until I've had a chance to actually sit down with them and get them to understand the VALUE we offer. I never wanted anyone to rule out the opportunity of training with us based solely on a price point without a discussion and an understanding of the value. 

Now I totally understand everyone has a budget. That goes with any investment or purchase you make. What I want to do today is offer some insight into why we price the way we do and the incredible value behind that price. 

To prove the fact that we feel there is no better value in the fitness market, we will compare our model of fitness with traditional personal training and popular group models.

$$ OPEX vs Personal Training $$

"We've taken the very best of personal training and made it BETTER, at a fraction of the cost."

During my 12 years as a personal trainer working with clients in a traditional 1-on-1 setting, I learned some really great fundamentals that I keep with me today. There is nothing that beats human to human interaction: building a lasting relationship, teaching proper technique and having quality communication to personalize and evolve each clients program over time.

The downside is the price point can limit frequency of training and sustainability. Typical fees for a quality personal trainer in the South Shore run anywhere from $75-$125/hour. Most clients at these rates are usually only able to afford 1-3 sessions per week. At these rates you could be looking at spending upwards of $900-$1,200/month. At OPEX South Shore, we have set rates without any limits on frequency - we want to offer UNLIMITED access so you can fully benefit from a true personalized plan.

Compared to the rates of personal training, if you train 3-5 days per week and breakdown the price of our OPEX Blue option, you are looking at anywhere between $15 - $25/workout. MUCH more frequency at a MUCH better price point makes OPEX a much more affordable option to personal training. Now that's VALUE!

More importantly, we want all of our clients to feel like they have found a home at OPEX South Shore. No more shopping around from gym to gym. We want this to be the last gym you'll ever join. From my experience with personal training, the number 1 reason most clients quite was because they could not sustain the price point over a long period of time. We want to eliminate that hurdle and allow you to feel like this is something you can sustain forever - both physically and financially. 


OPEX vs Group Training

"Quite frankly, there is no comparison to group training."

2 1/2 years ago, when it came down to opening up my own training facility, I had to make a decision. Was I going to choose quality over quantity or quantity over quality? For me, it was a no brainer - I've always wanted to provide the very best quality of fitness coaching possible. But, for all gym owners, that is a decision that must be made. You cannot have something in-between - that would not be a sustainable business plan. 

Group training is for sure quantity over quality. You simply cannot offer enough quality coaching to each individual in that model. Group training is a one-size-fits-all model of training that is driven by intensity and making people sweat. Group models like this include: CrossFit, Orange Theory, Boot Camp and HIIT style workout models to name a few. You simply cannot address each individuals goals, needs, limitations, etc in this model. Where it may be okay for a short period of time, again this type of training is not something you can sustain for the long run. Dave, 27 years old, looking to gain muscle, improve body composition and advance in his career should NOT be doing the same exact workout as Sue, 65 year old grandmother looking to stay pain free, play with grandkids and be active during her travels across the country. 

The one area where we do compare to the group model is the sense of community we have developed. While every client has their own personalized plan, they are on the floor together working out amongst one another with a coach guiding them through their own workouts. This sense of community allows for a very healthy, social and energetic atmosphere that everyone enjoys when executing their workouts. 

I hope this paints a clear picture as to how we differ from other fitness models and why we believe our value is at an unmatched level.

Your coach,

Bobby Scott